What is Pathfinder Exchange?
Pathfinder Exchange is a non-profit ministry designed to support the ministries of pathfinder and adventurer clubs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is an aid to help local clubs with the sharing of resources vital to the success of their ministries.
It supports these ministries in the following ways: 1) through the pathfinder exchange website local clubs can post unused or unneeded resources for sale or exchange to other clubs. Other clubs can view and purchase these items. This allows for unused resources and materials to go directly to clubs that can use them. 2) collecting and developing additional resources, materials, and equipment to be made available on the exchange.
Items listed on the Pathfinder Exchange are only available to those affiliated with specific pathfinder and adventurer local club ministries and are not available to any other individuals or outside organizations. Resources provided by the exchange are only available to organized clubs which are recognized within their local conference.
Our Story
Pathfinder Exchange was born out of necessity by pathfinder leaders looking for new ways to broadly support the ministries of local clubs. It was founded in 2024 by lifelong pathfinder leaders dedicated to creating a place where clubs could come together and share vital resources.
Local pathfinder and adventurer clubs inspired by mission, engaged in ministry, and uplifted by support and resources to further God’s work.
To provide local pathfinder and adventurer clubs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with quality ministry resources, exchanged value, and exceptional service.
The ministries of adventurers and pathfinders to every person on earth.
Clubs supporting clubs.